Their actions can cripple you, they can leave you feeling hurt;
They use their tactics to land your self-esteem in the dirt.
They have many methods, they have allies and friends;
To support them in oppression and help achieve their ends.
Belittling others is their joy, compassion is an offence;
"But it was just a joke" they say, that's the bully's defence.
And in this techy era, a bully becomes a troll;
Fake accounts and comments are their methods of control.
The cliques in the playground, to them it seems such fun;
To laugh at you, to humiliate you, careless of damage done.
Their game is pretty simple, your image they denigrate;
Your self-worth they destroy, their aim? To isolate.
Dare you stand up to them, your hell they will create;
Physical aggression has nothing on their hate.
They'll throw around their insults, passive aggression they'll inflict;
But listen to the words they say, you'll find they contradict.
They claim you are so low, they sprout their rhetoric and abuse;
They call you names and every action has its lame excuse.
But look deeper to their core, and I think you might just find;
Their words reflect their misery, their own self-hating mind.
Bullying others has always been a universal theme;
But they are unaware the power is not where it may seem.
You are chosen for a reason, for your bright, shining light;
Which threatens the bully living in a perpetual night.
So rise above their hate, throw their way a smile;
Laugh at them and pity their heart, black and full of vile.
You are joy, you are happiness, these things they try to kill;
Because they know to look at you, is to look uphill.
So lift your head, breathe deep, and know that it wont last;
Karma will ensure they never escape their wicked past.
And all that makes you interesting, those things they couldn't see;
They will be your prized possessions, they will set you free.
Written by Megan Adler.